For Organizations Within the USA
Dear Martial Arts Executive:
We are writing to you today to make you aware of one of the most important and exciting events to take place within the American martial arts community since the arrival of the Asian martial arts in this country. This is a bold statement, but it is an accurate one.
As you are aware, in the United States, the martial sports – the sports which have evolved from the military arts, including the traditional Asian military arts – are largely governed by the Federal Sports Act. The traditional martial arts do not come under the Federal Sports Act, however, and now constitute a multi-billion dollar unregulated industry. Being unregulated does not reduce school or instructor liability…….the absence of accepted standards actually increases school and instructor liability.
The National Accrediting Commission for Martial Arts or (NACMA) was chartered initially by the Common wealth of Virginia and now by the State of Tennessee as a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of serving as the accrediting agency for institutions granting college degrees in martial arts in the United States of America. The Internal Revenue Service has granted NACMA federal tax-exempt status in recognition of its purpose.
NACMA has now been advised by the U.S. Department of Education that we may initiate our accreditation activities and begin the formal recognition process to become recognized as a U.S. Department of Education-recognized National Accrediting Agency. But this is not all.
We have now been advised that NACMA may also begin the process for recognition of vocational and certificate programs by degree-granting institutions. Now comes the really good news……we may also offer accreditation for institutions and programs that are not degree-granting.
In practical terms what this means is that for the first time in the United States, martial arts organizations may seek national accreditation for their instructor training program. And, for the first time, students who want to become martial arts instructors have a true benchmark for the credibility of their instructor training, as do employers seeking qualified instructional staff. Instructor licensing has been introduced in several states, but failed due to lack of an existing standard.
Nationally-accredited instructor training is just over the horizon. Get on board now……
Let us know how we can best work with your organization. Contact us today.